Why NFTs Are Bad for the Environment and How We Can Adopt
NFTs are a pretty bad idea for the environment, but there are still plenty of options that are just as good if not better. Until NFTs can quiet down that is.
The world has always been a scary place when it comes to the environment. From forests being cut down for furniture and our clothes, to wild animals and plants being taken from their homes so they become part of ‘our’ homes; while others have been destroyed to make more room for us.
NFTs are a pretty bad idea for the environment, but there are still plenty of options that are just as good if not better. Until NFTs can quiet down that is. The current alternative of golf courses does a much better job in terms of water usage and actually creates carbon sinks. If we focus on slowing pollution and environmental damage rather than on using it as a reason to target other people’s work, we might be able to cure some real problems instead of hiding behind false ones.
NFT’s seem like a good idea at first, but the truth is that they’re massive polluters. Until the NFT industry becomes more environmentally friendly there are plenty of other options to choose from.
NFTs are a huge environmental concern, but there are many options that are just as good or even better. Golf courses still use plenty of water, but they help to build carbon sinks and don’t harm the environment. If we focus on slowing pollution and stopping environmental damage rather than on using it as a reason to target other people’s work, we can cure some real problems instead of hiding behind false ones.
There is more and more negative press about NFTs being bad for the environment. However, just because something is new it doesn’t mean there aren’t existing solutions that we can build upon.
NFTs are bad for the environment, and it’s a problem that could have deadly consequences. Yet many of us who support crypto and NFTs often minimize this issue or don’t think about it at all. But in order to combat global warming, we need to do something about this. So what can we do?
NFT is worse for the environment than fossil fuels. Let me tell you why. And don’t worry, I’ll give some suggestions for how we can fix this problem!
NFTs aren’t very good for the environment. They consume huge amounts of energy and the number of computers needed to get coins is ever-growing. Each NFT has a different environmental footprint and since there are thousands of them, each contributes to the problem.
If you’re involved with cryptocurrency, chances are you’ve heard the words “NFT” and “environment” used in the same sentence before. And chances are, you probably weren’t too happy about it. The reason for that is that all of the negative connotations that are associated with those two words do not bode well for the serenity of altcoin believers like ourselves.
You’ve probably heard about the environmental impact NFTs have on the environment. The energy required to verify transactions has experts concerned. Luckily, there are ways for our industry to reduce its carbon footprint and be more earth-friendly.
A staggering number of crypto mining machines are running 24/7 to solve complex mathematical equations that can be used to produce Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies and also NFTs. Over the years, the amount of energy consumed by this mining has been increasing. This is a major problem for two reasons: it’s growing at a rapid pace and could get out of control; but more importantly, it’s contributing to global warming.
Sustainability is no longer just a buzz word to make your boss like you. It’s the world that we’re living in now, making it more important than ever to adopt greener practices and find renewable energy alternatives.
Invest in carbon offset projects
One of the ways we can fight back through NFTs is to reinvest the profit of NFTs in carbon offset projects to offset the carbon.
There are a lot of carbon offset marketplaces that can help you do that. You do not need to go crazy. You can invest minimum money and get this published and get recognition for this through social.
This way you are already raising awareness and have a real impact on the planet.
Invest in high growth climate startups
There are lots of good startups out there that need funding. So, what you can do is to raise some money through DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) and reinvest that back into these startups with the hope that they exit in the next few years.
This way you are growing DAO’s money and you can redistribute that back to the community and give them a passive income.
Donate to climate NGOs and NFPs
Again, the concept here is very simple. Find high-impact NGOs and NFPs and donate some of the DAO money to them.
They are normally in the process of running some projects and this can help them a lot in their goals.
There are a lot of ways that NFTs can be a force of good.
The key is to raise the message and act ASAP.